We interrupt our regular posts that focus on you…
…to talk about ourselves for a moment!
Here at InspiredToGive.org we’ve been experiencing extraordinary interest in our content over the past twelve days. One of our posts (see below) has been going viral. It now has more than a 700,000* views and thousands of shares on Facebook. And, hundreds of folks have been “liking” our facebook page and finding and liking the depth of our website content. We are blown away.
This attention may not be a big deal in the grand scheme of social media. But since we are an all-volunteer strike team just a year old, it is a big deal for us. And we think what it represents about the positive messages we offer that resonate with so many people is pretty huge.
We started InspiredToGive.org because we needed to hear and then relay news about the good works going on in the world. We wanted to gain clarity about the values humanity could rely on to navigate through these challenging times. And we wanted to reclaim these values along with our fellow world citizens. Lastly, we wanted to shake the anxiety and fear creating stumbling blocks in our individual and collective pathways.
The words of author L. R. Knost and photography of Oumaima Ben Chebtit used in the meme now seen by 711,000* people speak to a common truth – an inner knowing about the caring intention of the vast majority of humanity. The number of “likes” and “shares” this meme has received is a rallying cry about the values of creativity, love, openness, active citizenry that can bring light and healing into the world, our community, our neighborhood, our own home.
We think the story of this little viral meme has deep meaning and we are committed to sharing this giving spirit. Please stay engaged with us – read, watch, view our content and share our content; tell us your stories. Join with us, and together let’s “love intentionally, extravagantly, unconditionally.”
In gratitude and humility,
The Team at InspiredToGive.org
* As of 3/20/2018: More than 1,100,000 views and 14,000 shares!