Lift Every Voice and Sing

This hymn is a pledge of unity, for all people who share in and fight for the common good of equality and justice. It has been sung for over a century in countless communities in America. It has been a light in darkness, and a song of hard-won victories. Here is a proven fact: Every trial and tribulation may bring us to our knees, but never vanquish us when we fight together for what is always right forever.

“We will not march back to what was

but move to what shall be

A country that is bruised but whole,

benevolent but bold,

fierce and free”

~ Amanda Gorman

2 Responses

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    The first time I heard this hymn/anthem, I got goosebumps. At that time it was introduced as “The Negro National Anthem.” I think its application can be much more universal, a unifying surge of harmony for humans who identify with a common ideal.

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