
decomfort your zone

Why In the World De-Comfort Your Zone???

At the beginning of this Halloween month we wondered what it would take to bust out of a self-created comfort zone, that predictable routine of no surprises. It’s a scary proposition to leave the zone for the unknown and it's risky - WHY DO IT?!?!

Young Voices of Clarity in A Confusing Time

There can be no doubt. All of us are in the middle of upheaval – several transformational social movements that will have lasting impact for generations. Protests calling for reform in gun control, immigration laws, police action against minorities, treatment of sexual assault victims, threats from environmental policies are happening in town squares and city streets everywhere. And often the raised voices are young women and girls.

De-Comfort Your Zone!

During October InspiredToGive.org is going to focus on stories from the Scary Zone: celebrate the courage of those who have pushed themselves in spite of fear, so that they can leave the safe routine to learn more, become better at something, make a difference for someone else, or be a role model for that someone else.