
Second Look

Do Kind

You can be kind without being nice, and you can be nice without being kind.

Now We Know…What Will We Do?

The “year of opposites” has been illuminating, is one way to put it. In a recent article, Dr. Samuel asked readers, “What do we as a nation know now that we didn’t know before?”

The Power of the Kindness Role

One day, when there are more good stories from the pandemic than bad, may we never forget the incredible courage and selflessness of the medical professionals who never gave up in their efforts to heal patients. In fact, the sustained effort over months, under extreme and daunting conditions, sets a new, higher standard of “humankindness.”

Second Look: Be a Weaver, Not a Ripper

Belonging. Inclusion. Golden Rule. Room at the table. Citizens of one world. These have been themes on for the past year. We are not alone. The voice, a demand really, for unity is getting louder...Can you hear it?