Wakey, Wakey. Time to Rise.

What a year of constant ambushes we were totally unprepared for – a pandemic that shape-shifts, economic disruption, political upheaval, chaotic riots. The hits just kept on coming. No one can be blamed for wanting to curl up under a blanket and hide.

Here’s good news, however: We may have gotten a grip on how to defend ourselves…by defending our own thoughts first and foremost. Turns out that a common denominator or thread running through all the chaos is the assault of unrelenting lies and the individual inability (or refusal) to discern truth from falsity. Now we know, this has dangerous consequences, hurting ourselves and our communities.

Sure, it’s work to wake up and take individual responsibility for fact-checking, listening to different perspectives, considering, then fact-checking again. Truth is not a destination but a series of journeys that may be equal parts struggles and victories.

2021 The Journey to Truth

Here at InspiredToGive.org we are dedicating this coming year to focus on the quest for all things truthful – how people are taking responsibility for learning and sharing, what is the mental transformation, and how this is good for communities. We’ve also identified a few markers along the way that illustrate progress: Discernment, Courage and Reconciliation. Check the site for frequent posts or sign up to receive email notifications.

This past year has been a bad dream for so many of us and our neighbors. Let’s make 2021 the year we say we woke up to the value of truth and commit to take the journey. This is the year we rise to be better in thought and good deeds.

Recent posts on Truth

Words matter. Truth matters most of all.

These are the things that ye shall do…

Courage is required. Still.


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