Want Change? Reform the Heart.

Feet don’t go wherever the heck they want to go, right? Feet follow the head. Head says, “Go here, go there, stop…” Feet don’t – can’t – question the head. Same with hands. They don’t make stuff or write stuff without a mindful plan. The head directs the hands. Thoughts direct action.

There’s been a lot of discussion on social media and in the news about the worth and value of “thoughts and prayers” as a reaction to the shooting tragedy at a high school in Parkland, Florida which killed 17 and wounded many more. The more extreme view dismisses prayer as a nothingburger and portrays images of “thoughts and prayers” crossed out with “action and change” in their place.

InspiredToGive.org is all about action and change. But if you have been reading our interviews with change-makers and social warriors you know their actions always begin with beating hearts of care, compassion, empathy, selflessness. We profile these inner resources, core values, and spiritual motivations so that they are identified, valued, respected, and cherished – so that anyone can feel that they have these resources at hand too. And while these mindful qualities are powerful they are aided by focus and organizing before they accomplish results.

The desire to do something aligned with these qualities of care, empathy, etc. is a conscious intention and, for many, a prayer. Dedicated thought to a pressing issue persistently moves, opens, reforms – and informs, inspires, creates ideas that are so powerful that action must be taken. Then the feet and hands must move! Why? Because lives are waiting and needing to be helped, protected, loved, and transformed for the better. This is the goal of an intention or prayer.

The banner on our home page, “Do good, it’s in you” is really the declaration that you already have the heart and mind of a spiritual warrior. It’s in you – now go and do something good with your heart’s motivation, intentions, and prayers. The world needs you active in thought and deed.

Want change to happen in your neighborhood, community, schools, workplace, government? Start with your heart, don’t look or point to someone else. Think to yourself,

What core values, inner resources, spiritual assets are in me to expand? Compassion, empathy, generosity, acceptance, respect, openness…How do they inform, reform, inspire, lead me to give?

Yep, your feet and hands will follow. And change will happen. It’s in you.


Podcast: Our Live Yes, And correspondent, Travis Thomas is talking PRACTION, Prayer + Action!

Video: Listen to a calming and healing prayer vigil from Cityside Church launched the evening of the Parkland shooting.


1 Response

  1. Avatar

    I’m so grateful for the many thoughtful ways individuals and organizations are being moved to respond to the shootings in Parkland FL. Here are a few more prayers and actions:

    Therapy dogs at Parkland Library: https://www.facebook.com/loribale/posts/10156323187449155

    Lenten Reflection from a Pastor: https://allsaints-pas.org/21468-2/

    Prominent Republican Donor Issues Ultimatum: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/17/us/prominent-republican-donor-issues-ultimatum-on-assault-weapons.html

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