The Ever-Expanding Room At The Table!

What a surprising and fulfilling month has been our “Room At The Table” month! We’ve seen how the animating and compelling motive to include others in the bounty of spiritual qualities one has to share can lead to wonderful, life-affirming discoveries. There is the story of travelers at JFK airport discovering other cultures through culinary traditions…and then the story of quite literally discovering lost boys in a scary and deadly cave.

The commitment to recognize and connect, to offer and receive each other’s unique goodness is true generosity of spirit. There is no loss or diminishment in this generous sharing, only enrichment. Go prepare the feast and set the table…all humanity is waiting!

Here are a few other stories from July worth revisiting:

Widening Our Family Circle by Moriah Early-Manchester

Euphrates worker, Moriah Early-Manchester lived in Germany last year and worked with Afghanistan refugees. This is a beautiful, uplifting story of how and why “room at the table” included so many – and moved from humble indoor flats to outdoor picnic feasts!

Room-at-the-Table Is An Action Verb, Thai-Style!

“Room at the Table” isn’t passive – it isn’t enough to prepare a table and have a ready, empty chair…and wait. No, sometimes it means that you have to give all that you have to give – love, talent, skill, courage, conviction – to go out and bring the people in.

Ducks Do It Too!

10 orphaned ducklings were rescued by humans and plopped into a pond. A mama duck immediately made room in her flock. It’s what we all do!

Not surprisingly, we are not quite done with Room At The Table as our focus. Another interview is cooking about how creative people are when they literally make MULTIPLE TABLES and expand the bounty. Get ready to be served!


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