The Ever-Expanding Room At The Table!
What a surprising and fulfilling month has been our “Room At The Table” month! We’ve seen how the animating and compelling motive to include others in the bounty of spiritual qualities one has to share can lead to wonderful, life-affirming discoveries.
“Room-At-The-Table” Is An Action-Verb, Thai-Style!
“Room at the Table” isn’t passive – it isn’t enough to prepare a table and have a ready, empty chair...and wait. No, sometimes it means that you have to give all that you have to give – love, talent, skill, courage, conviction – to go out and bring the people in.
Belonging to the ocean, urban kids are changed by the waves
Surfing is the access to an ocean of opportunity, according to Maui Goodbeer, founder of StreetWaves in Miami Beach. Since 2008, non-profit StreetWaves has put underserved youth on buses, taken them to the beach – often for the first time! – to learn to swim and surf.
Angels, Not Enemies
Right, left, blue, red – individuals may be at a heated policy impasse, but Mike McGillicuddy - skills facilitator for Better Angels - states what should be obvious, “That cannot be the only or entire way we engage with each other."
Lit Within? Go Do Something!
Here’s a great idea for a community church worship service: The service isn’t really done until you actually DO a service for someone else!
3 WOKE Moments!
Have you had your Woke Moments lately? We found a few to share that inspired us. Thank you 60 Second Docs for filming these moving stories.
“There is so much good going on!”
Over five years ago, Julie Webster and Brenda George started a local chapter of 100+ Women Who Care in Pinellas County, Florida. To date they have donated over $170,000.
The Hospitality of Respect and Empathy Yields Kindness and Fairness
Every Wednesday evening for the past 40 years, the Brighton-Allston Congregational UCC Church has served a community supper to 50-60 people who are hungry for a hot meal in a community setting.
A Community of Love Leads to Justice
It was, without a doubt, the Best Christmas Present EVER!
The Heart-to-Heart Gift for Valentine’s Day
Here’s a great idea to give a meaningful gift, something truly from your heart, to fill all your friends’ hearts for Valentine’s Day!