
Acts of Kindness

Ask Your Heart: What Issue Hurts the Most? That’s Where You Start.

Activists are using their hands, feet, muscle and creativity because of what their hearts are telling them – something in the community is unjust, unfair, unequal, and they want to help change that. Maybe first, then, they are “spiritual” activists, determined to right a moral imbalance that has caused over time unimaginable pain for communities everywhere.

Better neighbors

People, we ARE made for these times! “In times of great stress, helping others is a powerful way to reassert control in a moment where many of us feel helpless."

Paying it forward

Kindness can transform every situation from dark to light, from despair to joy. With a heartfelt desire to be kind you will see more that you can give to someone in need.

Second Look: Be a Weaver, Not a Ripper

Belonging. Inclusion. Golden Rule. Room at the table. Citizens of one world. These have been themes on InspiredtoGive.org for the past year. We are not alone. The voice, a demand really, for unity is getting louder...Can you hear it?

Announcing “Good Bits Post-its”

What "good bit" have you done recently ... for your neighbor, co-worker, family member or "stranger"? InspiredToGive.org has just launched a bulletin board of quick-hits of individuals doing something good for someone else on the fly. Check it out and post yours!

It Only Takes One

Our correspondent-on-the-street-of-life, Travis Thomas – or in this case, correspondent-at-the-Walmart-checkout-register – is sharing a fact of life: It only takes one person to inspire someone else to do more good. Check out his latest podcast!

The Ever-Expanding Room At The Table!

What a surprising and fulfilling month has been our “Room At The Table” month! We’ve seen how the animating and compelling motive to include others in the bounty of spiritual qualities one has to share can lead to wonderful, life-affirming discoveries.