Our Readers have Emoji’d! These are the Best Bits for the Week!

One of the best bits for us who curate our Facebook page is seeing how touched our followers-fans are by the good deeds posted of people helping each other out – with food, money, clothes, a warm clean bed. Thousands of readers paused scrolling their news feeds to read our stories for a smile and fuzzy feeling. Yes, it feels good to see proof that we are naturally kind to each other. But it turns out, this feeling is a Very Big Deal: Being Kind (thinking and doing) is a scientific state of consciousness and health. Now THAT’S a Good Bit!

New UCLA institute will study – and spread – the practical well-being of kind thinking and doing.

So it begins with your very own thought. “Cultivating kind thoughts increases the frequency of kind actions, and both the thoughts and the experience of engaging in the actions have positive effects on the well-being of the individual,” said Daniel Fessler, UCLA anthropology professor. the ultimate goal of the UCLA Bedari Kindness Institute is to spread kindness and promote a more humane world. And there is an APP to help you maintain your personal zone of kindness-consciousness.

Random bookstore customer pays for the books of the college student behind her in line.

This is true wisdom: “It’s important to be kind. You can’t know all the times that you’ve hurt people in tiny, significant ways. It’s easy to be cruel without meaning to be. There’s nothing you can do about that. But you can choose to be kind. Be kind.”

He needed clothes for school – They gave him some of their own.

Oh my, kindness is a SUPERPOWER when it yields forgiveness! A high school freshman boy was being bullied because he didn’t change his clothes every day (no logic to cruelty, eh?). The boys who gave the new clothes? Former bullies. Remorse -> Kindness -> Forgiveness: “You guys are the best guys of my entire life.” Oh my.

Hurricane Dorian Update in The Bahamas: Over 300,000 free meals served!

Chef Jose Andres and his World Central Kitchen has served over 300,000 free meals in The Bahamas. As one of our Facebook commenters said, “This man deserves the Nobel Peace prize.”

“I can’t let my people drown!” – Hurricane Imelda refuge in a Houston mattress store.

Mattress Mack knew what he had to do: He opened his showroom as a shelter, and sent out the furniture trucks to rescue Imelda’s stranded victims. 

Be Kind to Our Earth and Our Children.

Thank you to everyone around the world who left school, left work, left home to participate in the ClimateStrike to demand a global Climate Recovery Plan to restore our shared planet – for our children’s future.


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