Did You Chispa?

What sparks of love did you initiate with your gratitude this month? Did you get a glowy face and krinkly eyes in return? That is a tiny indication of the warm fire ignited in someone’s heart. I know because I saw it myself when I chispa’d the other day.

It was a dark, stormy late afternoon (seriously) and I got a call that I needed to sign some more documents at the title company for my mom’s house to sell and close. Aaargh. We had already signed a boat-load of documents (California real estate, no lawyers just title companies) the day before. I was tempted to think, “Now what?” and be a teensy bit anxious (dark, stormy) that something might be a glitch.

But on the (dark, stormy) drive to the title company office, I flipped my thinking around to being grateful instead of worried – grateful that the escrow officer was so careful and diligent to make sure that papers were filled out correctly and every box was checked for a smooth close.

The embers of gratitude were stirred in my heart. So how could I not chispa?

After I finished signing and checking, the escrow officer gathered up all the papers and got up to leave. I stopped her and said, “Thank you so much for being thorough and careful. I suspect this hard work isn’t noticed when things go right – more noticed when it goes wrong! But I want you to know how grateful I am for your hard work and dedication.”

Yes! I got the glowy face and the krinkly eyes. What a great light on a dark and stormy night.

Check out our November Chispas


Here’s what Travis and his kids did for Random Acts of Kindness, RAKFriday18. How about you?

New Feature Launched – GOOD CHISPA!

Our new feature is collecting acts of CHISPAS to magnify the good shared heart to heart.


Chispas Needed More Than Ever – We have proof!

A while ago, we posted a thought-provoking meme quoting L.R. Knost about hope in a broken world and how to magnify good in order to mend it: “The broken world waits in darkness for the light that is you.”

The meme continues to be shared (over 17,000 times reaching 1.3 million people so far) and taken to heart. As one of the many commenters said, “So perfect for these hurting days…” So go…share a Chispa yourself – and help mend a waiting world.


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