“There is so much good going on!”
Over five years ago, Julie Webster and Brenda George started a local chapter of 100+ Women Who Care in Pinellas County, Florida. It is a community group with the express purpose of raising money quickly to donate to a local charity. The chapter meets once a quarter to determine a beneficiary. Any number of charities can be nominated by members, but only three are selected randomly to present to the group – five minutes to present, five minutes for Q&A discussion. Then vote! The recipient is chosen by a simple majority and all members write $100 checks directly to the winner.
A sincere desire to help leads to action.
“I really wanted to know more about what was going on in my community and how I could do something to help,” explained Julie. “So I prayed about it because I have seen in my life how God leads me to things to do.” A friend from church told Julie about a chapter of 100+ Women Who Care meeting about an hour away. After attending she thought, “We should start a chapter here in our community!” Julie was put in touch with Brenda and soon they were up and giving in Pinellas County.
Where you live is where you give!
Every quarterly meeting is an opportunity to be inspired, to hear how individuals are creatively and generously supporting others in the community. “After every meeting we say the same thing to each other, ‘There is so much good going on here!’” Julie continued, “The draw for women is that they love to give and they can see their single donation become a very large donation right away!”
For the past year, the Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation (founder of Best Buy) has committed to matching donations of up to $5,000 for every Florida chapter recipient of 100+ Women Who Care. Imagine a local charity, caring for their neighbors, receiving $10,000 or more!
A simple, single focus: good will.
At every meeting, the process of giving is simple, direct, and democratic – not weighed down by administrative or policy-making details, committee reports, or even time, as meetings are one hour tops! The focus is clear to all: members come to listen, appreciate, and give as one. Frequently when an individual member is moved by a charity not chosen, she will donate privately. These meetings are an efficient and effective way to gain awareness of local charities in need.
In February three very worthy charities shared compelling stories: Shepherd’s Village provides programs and affordable housing for struggling single parent families; Esther Street Projects brings supplies to seniors in facilities; and Operation: Military Matters sends care packages to military serving overseas. Operation: Military Matters was the winner! And bonus inspiration, it was started by 12 year-old Graci Tubbs. To learn more about what Graci has accomplished, go here.
The power of a generous sisterhood.
“The best thing for Brenda and me is delivering the donations in person to our recipients,” shared Julie. “They are so grateful and happy to show their operation in action and give us a tour – some have brought me to tears!” At the next quarterly meeting, the recipient returns to share a good report of how the donation was spent and the effect in the community.
“It is heartwarming to see all the love and goodness being expressed in our community, and to work with a group of kindred spirits,” Julie said. “My own spiritual practice is to make sure that I see God’s love and presence in everything we do. Before every meeting I pause and prepare my thought by knowing that divine Love is guiding the meeting. I value the harmony expressed by the sisterhood working together. And in every email I always let people know they are appreciated.”
Love and kindness expressed for each member, every charity, and the community as a whole is having a positive effect. To date they have donated over $170,000.
“Together we can do so much!” This is 100+ Women Who Care for Pinellas County. https://www.facebook.com/100+WomenWhoCare-PinellasCounty/
To find a 100+ Women Who Care chapter near you, go here to the 100 Who Care Alliance website. If there isn’t one, start your own! As you can tell, it is easy to get going and get giving!