The March that MOVED!
Oh boy! We started the month musing that it might be Humpty Dumpty Time – in which old ways and policies get turned upside down and maybe busted. Looks like these old ways are breaking down, and the better way where all of us feel served fairly is still forming. Figuring this could spell a period of chaos, we suggested making an extra effort to express kindness and compassion, a natural state of shared humanity. This t-shirt seen on a busy plaza in Mexico sums it up:
And then, Oh wow! The month finished with what feels like a New Beginning. March For Our Lives in Washington D.C. drew hundreds of thousands to hear teenagers – and younger! – plead for changes in laws that better regulate access to guns in order to protect all life, and especially keep kids safe in school. Thousands more throughout the world joined in unity. What began with moments of hope for change now feels like momentum – a movement expecting positive change going forward to benefit all humanity.
Carol joined a few hundred thousand people in Chicago: “We could not miss the fact that all the speakers were young people. And while that gave me a sense of hope I couldn’t help feeling guilty – guilty that my generation, and others before me, had failed at solving the problem of gun violence in this country. So here we are at this point in time and the next generation has taken the lead and demanding solutions. May we do better going forward.”
Going forward with a renewed perspective on serving humanity will be our focus for next month!
Here are some highlights from our March For Kindness:
There is so much good going on! Over five years ago, Julie Webster and Brenda George started a chapter of 100+ Women Who Care in Pinellas County, FL. To date they have donated over $170,000.
Is it Noble? [meditation video] Grounding our thoughts and actions first.
Sometimes a Smile is Your Best Defense! [podcast] Travis Thomas from Live Yes, And shares what he has learned in his recent meet-ups about offering unconditional respect, no matter what.
The Noble Children Inspiration from today’s young leaders.
Kindness, The Open Door to Respect A reflection on the prospect of an innocent child being discriminated against solely because of race, gender, religion or other aspects of life.
I heard a sweet example of good going on in today’s CBS News. How a guy in Utah is now helping Monrovia, Liberia. Hope you can check this out: