Did You Chispa?
What sparks of love did you initiate with your gratitude this month? Check out our November Chispas!
RAK Friday November 23 = CHISPAS in action!
Random Acts of Kindness are the sparks that light fires of hope and goodness in your world! RAK Friday is about transforming Black Friday (November 23) into RAK Friday! Our goal is to have 2,018 Random Acts of Kindness committed and posted on social media using #RakFriday18!
Free Workbook: Blessings of a Grateful Heart
Here are two weeks of daily CHISPAS, collected and freely given to you by Carol Hohle. Simple, thoughtful and practical guided exercises to help you develop a new perspective on the spiritual practice of gratitude.
Gratitude is a Chispa!
CHISPA = SPARK in Spanish, and it sounds like the perfect way to describe the igniting power of gratitude! Chispa is literally the flash that sparks electricity or fire, small and bright at first, but essential to get the light and warmth going strong.