“Room-At-The-Table” Is An Action-Verb, Thai-Style!
Have you seen the actual video showing how the Thai Navy SEALS brought the young soccer team out of the cave? I guess I expected each kid to put on a wetsuit and scuba gear and, voila, they could swim through a mile and a half long labyrinth of tunnels, some only 3 feet wide, completely in the dark and underwater.
Sure. Not even close. The journey is dangerous even for experienced divers. Sadly, one Navy SEAL lost his life delivering food and medical supplies when his oxygen ran out. “Daunting” doesn’t begin to describe the many challenges.
Here’s what they did, and despite the risks, it worked. Each kid was strapped to a floating gurney, cocooned in protective covering, and hooked up to scuba gear. The gurney, surrounded by a team of Navy SEALS, was guided through the twists and turns with extremely shallow clearances between water and stalactites.
It was brilliant, but I was scared just watching the video – and I already knew they were free! All saved, including the coach and the doctor who was with them in the cave the past week.
Sometimes, I thought, to make sure everyone comes to the communal table of kindness, safety, and abundance to be fed and comforted, you have to make a serious, life-affecting effort.
“Room at the Table” isn’t passive – it isn’t enough to prepare a table and have a ready, empty chair…and wait. No, sometimes it means that you have to give all that you have to give – love, talent, skill, courage, conviction – to go out and bring the people in. Because very often it isn’t easy for the people to find their way to your table.
Bring the Table to where the people are!
There were so many reasons to not attempt this rescue effort. But the Thai government refused to give up and the Royal Thai Navy SEALS resolved to figure out how. Once the boys were found, the “table” of compassion, hope, practical care and supplies was brought to where the boys were.
Tell you what, I felt like I was at the table too – because I included everyone in my deepest prayers for their safety, courage, and wisdom. And I know I was not alone – a whole world was watching together and giving whatever hopeful support and good intention they had to give. We were ALL included at this table!
So how about packing up a table of goodness, go out and find someone to rescue from a dark, scary place? Thai-style, it can be done!
What a good take on this riveting story. I loved every word. You’ve brought food for thought to MY table. Thank you!
I really loved this post & the ideas you prayed with to help bring healing. I did not know all of the challenges that had to be overcome to rescue these boys and men.