Room At The Table

The editorial focus last month on Belonging intended to shine a light on the importance of engaging and participating with others, to find ways for you to connect instead of separate, and to truly feel, “I belong…I have a place in this world…I have value that I can contribute to others.” Brilliant.

So now, this month, let’s shine the bright light that is you and let it rest and radiate on others. How can you encircle and include those who are feeling excluded, isolated, alone and unloved? Is there Room at Your Table – literally and figuratively – for sharing what you have to help others feel that they are included?

Inspiration from a very busy airport

Rushing through an airport, what is foremost in your thought – getting through lines and making your flight on time? Feeling stressed. Just. Get. Through. Security. But what if you could make a little extra time to hear another person’s story, learn something new and intriguing…feel good instead of stressed?

Earlier this year, Shared Plate pop-up restaurant at JFK airport wanted to see what happens when strangers unexpectedly – and have to – eat together. Imagine! This is an airport where thousands of people rush through every day solely focused on making their flight on time, not getting to know others.

At Shared Plate, customers were seated at a table with a total stranger. Hmmm. Silence. Discomfort. The icebreaker is, No Menus! The server asks what are the culinary traditions of each customer at the table, which encourages everyone to share their favorite foods. Brilliant. Conversation ensues …expands … offers unexpected discoveries.

Meanwhile, the chef is fusing the culinary suggestions from the table to create a new dish, unique and customized for the table! More conversation, more discoveries. Sounds like a perfect recipe for making room at the table to entertain new ideas…and maybe break down a few perceived barriers.

Watch: What Happens When Strangers Unexpectedly Eat Together At The Airport

The Welcome Table

Is there a room or an office cubicle – or any imaginary divide – where you can extend a hand across to a stranger and offer a seat at your table? Don’t know how to start a conversation, make a connection, offer a welcome? Take a tip from Shared Plate: Ask about family traditions like food or holidays. Share yours, offer what you have in your cultural pantry.

Then “fuse the food” – the tasty, surprising cultural morsels that can be connected to and included with the familiar ones of your own life. Make something creative, something transformative, something for a new community – and maybe a new world. There is room for us all.



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