Opening Up Our Lives to the Outside

Blink-blink. Blink-blink.

As we slowly and cautiously open our individual lives to reopened communities around us, many of us may feel conflicted. Happy to move more freely out and about – but confused and anxious about how safe it will be out in the open. Everyone agrees it is important to get moving about again, but no one agrees on what “precautions” look like and how effective they will be to protect us.

Is there anything anyone can do about any of this? More to the point, what measure of certainty can you bring to bear in your own life to feel more at peace going forward?

What have we secured so far?

One approach might be to consider what we have learned so far in isolation these past months. What have we determined is most important to carry forward as we leave our homes – our “sanctuaries” – what is it we hold close to our hearts and refuse to leave behind?

It’s important to consider because what is valued most by you constitutes who you are as you emerge into the world. And who you are can protect you. For example, your sensible knowledge and wisdom about proper self-healthcare guides personal hygiene practices; your infectious kindness and selfless care for friends and workers impels you to wear a mask; and your respect for others makes social distancing in stores, restaurants and workplaces natural and fair. This is our mental protection already at hand.

Best of all, we have learned so much about what matters most – to be connected with each other, in shared humanity, is to be concerned for the good and welfare of us all. Regardless of our individual experiences, we are in this crisis together, and we will come out of it together.


A hospital celebrates a recovered COVID patient being discharged with an intercom announcement, “Code Joy!” And all available staff, bedecked in PPE, gathers in the lobby to clap and cheer and shepherd the masked patient out the door into the bright world outside. It is a victory for selfless, unconditional care provided by medical professionals and the vigilant and compassionate prayers of loving friends and family united in overcoming a brutal foe. In that moment, all share in the joy of what a single victory foretells: with dedication, wisdom and all-consuming care for humanity, we will overcome this foe.

Together, let’s wear the protection of who we really are into the open, into the light. Blink-blink.

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