One Day to Remember – And Live – a Rule for Life
It’s Golden Rule Day TODAY, April 5!
Can you think of any other rule in life that has a title – more like a short-hand description – that when you say it or hear it you know exactly what it stands for?
Live the Golden Rule.
Follow the Golden Rule.
Please, treat me according to the Golden Rule.
That’s not the Golden Rule!
This is the gold standard of community living set forth by most, if not all, of the world’s faith and ethical traditions. “Treat others the way you would like to be treated.” “What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow.” “Love your neighbor as yourself.” “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
Everyone agrees, basically. Because the “reciprocity” implied makes total sense when you think about it. Plus, the Rule has proven effective over time – from at least 6thcentury BC – to be a friendship-family-social-legal-political code when more than one person has to work stuff out with another person. Maybe it should be called the Big Duh Rule!
Beyond reciprocity making sense, however, the Rule has some turbo-power behind it. The New Testament of the Bible identifies “love” as the rule’s secret sauce, summed up in one word:
“For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.”
What does “Golden Rule love” look like in daily life?
Here’s a starting list:
- Empathy– seeing and respecting the other person’s point of view.
- Equality– what is fair for you is fair for someone else (remember, Big Duh Rule!).
- Civility– being courteous, gracious, kind first and it will probably come back to you…but if not, regardless!
- Honesty– truth and truth-telling is the path to progress and justice, whatever the issue or cause.
How about living – and loving – every day like Golden Rule Day?
Watch Live Broadcast on Facebook: Golden Rule Day, Beginning April 4 in Japan
See and listen how the Golden Rule is being practiced globally, in local communities. Begins in Japan at 9pm April 4, ends 24 hours later. Be one with the love!