Now We Know…What Will We Do?
“There are certain things we cannot learn in the constant rush of busyness. There are certain insights that elude us in our preoccupations with physical motion. There are certain truths that escape our attention in the madness of always having to be somewhere and always having to do something.” – Kenneth L. Samuel, Pastor, Victory for the World Church
During this past year of “sudden opposites” – work from home, not an office; commute to the computer by walking, not a car or bus; travel online to see family and not in the air – many of us have discovered what is most important to hang on to no matter what. And also what is the first thing to restore when restrictions ease.
Because now we know better.
A few days ago on a Zoom gathering of friends, a parent shared what her junior high school-age kids have missed most: hanging out with friends in person, not texting, having school in a classroom with other kids, not on Zoom, and doing schoolwork with the teacher in person! Imagine – texting doesn’t satisfy, skipping school isn’t fun, teacher helping isn’t annoying it’s good!
The “year of opposites” has been illuminating, is one way to put it. In a recent article, Dr. Samuel asked readers, “What do we as a nation know now that we didn’t know before?” He has a few suggestions that are worth considering. And you probably have your own list.
But here’s the thing – once you know something for sure, you cannot “un-know it.” The only thing we *don’t know* yet is, what are we going to DO now that we know?