MARCH For Kindness

This could be Humpty Dumpty Time. Entrenched systems that have appeared immune to change, sacred cows of legal “precedents,” calcified thought-models of behavior – all are being exposed for the cruelty and injustice they represent. Change is being demanded in marches throughout the country.

And the marches are becoming movements: Women, Immigrants, Students are demanding a more expansive demonstration of Equal Rights, Civil Rights, Human Rights. Every raised voice seems to proclaim, We Can Do Better!

These frontlines of change, where consciousness shifts and impels new thinking and action, feel chaotic. The old ways are breaking down because they do not serve all of us…but the better way for all of us is still forming.

Humpty Dumpty Time may feel very uncomfortable and stressful, even though necessary for progress. What can provide a sanctuary of peace and stability in the middle of it all?

Consider reconnecting with our shared humanity, the human nature of kindness and compassion. The Latin origin is humanitas, a culture of humane and kind virtues and acts that ancient philosophers determined form the very basis of civilization. Connecting and relating from a center of humanity and kindness can help all of us move through Humpty Dumpty Time.

Kindness is strength, not weakness; courage, not fear; just, not biased; active, not passive. We are hard-wired to be kind: it is our native, natural state. In a recent Psychology Today the scientific case is made that selflessly giving resources to others brings lasting well-being to the giver! Giving is what we do, kind is who we are.

So this month, will focus on the powerful effect of KINDNESS to facilitate change. Civilization depends on it.

For over 25 years March has been Women’s History Month in the US, a purposeful spotlight on the role of women in developing our shared history. How fitting it is that this month the next generation – our children – is mobilizing in multiple cities to march for their future. They are standing up, speaking out, and creating history.

This March, we march – for kindness, for women, for all our lives.


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