Life in the middle of the year

Back-in-the-day the summertime used to be considered “the lazy days of summer,” right? People were on vacation, projects slowed down, nothing of consequence really happened because everyone was either taking a break or planning a break.

Wonder when that stopped? Because it sure isn’t like that anymore. Now it’s non-stop news, events, decisions, life. So we asked around our correspondents about what happened to them this summer. Yep. Non-Stop Life. Three of the stories are below.

The very interesting common thread is that each of the stories have to do with connecting with others. Not a surprise since we kicked off the summer with a focus on the spiritual quality of Belonging, leaning in to engage with those around us (especially when it is easier to walk on by!). As a result, important spiritual lessons have been learned. Kind of “holy moments.”

The Big Point of the summer for each of our contributors is the importance of honoring the lessons learned from others, seek them out, and let them lead you forward to help others…and learn more. That is life, non-stop and well-lived.

Forgiveness is hard…Really Hard!
by Travis Thomas
In the spirit of learning and reflecting on the summer, there is one HUGE thing I learned, and it is this…Forgiveness is really freakin’ hard!!! I have forgiven people before, and I sure hope I have been forgiven by others. But this summer I found myself smack dab in the middle of having to spend uncomfortably close time with someone for over a month- someone I am currently trying to forgive. Actually, I thought I had forgiven this person. Then BOOM…all the shtuff comes rushing back to the surface.  READ MORE

How to not be so into one’s own head
by Carol Hohle
Something I’ve been thinking about regarding life’s purpose is the concept of “right sizing” myself. How can I, along with the rest of humanity, see myself differently in my relationship to the rest of creation? Could I re-imagine my interconnectivity and cherish more of a “we” than a “me” view about life? This summer as I pondered once again the disconnection I felt with the wholeness of life and the subsequent feelings of purposeless-ness I was reminded of a spiritual practice – “letting go.” On the surface, “letting go” might feel like an avoidance tactic. But I’ve been learning of its benefits lately. How do you live for the world and get out of your own head?  READ MORE

A good day follows a good night…every day
by Chris Raymond
The past several months have been a rollercoaster of emotions as I watched my 94 year-old mom struggle with changes in her life. All I wanted for her was to feel safe and surrounded by love, whatever the situation. Taking on responsibility for decision-making in her life was now my life, from the myriad little details of moving her to a new apartment, to the daily visits and navigation of a new life-routine, to the decision (and those details) to sell her house. Every night after only a few hours’ sleep I would wake up with details I simply HAD to remember right then! It wasn’t “worry” that kept me awake, it was the weight of the nonstop data. The only moments of peace I could muster in the night, which occasionally would result in another hour of sleep, was to persistently remind myself I AM NOT ALONE! READ MORE


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