Inspired to give in response to Hurricane Harvey

There are massive devastating events that by their very scale impel us to band together and give whatever we have to help: our labor, money, prayers. The image of a wing-full of feathers lifting up a bird – when a single feather merely flutters to earth – reminds us to stand up and do something as one powerful force of kindness, selflessness, goodness. In these times an army of Good Samaritans is required and will make the difference we need to see.

Locate your favorite support organization and give what you are able. Here are a few organizations to consider:

American Red Cross – Donate online right here or call 1-800-RED-CROSS or text the word HARVEY to 90999 to make a $10 donation.

Americares – Donate online right here Hurricane Harvey Disaster Relief Fund

Salvation Army – Donate online here at or call 1-800-SAL-ARMY.

For our Furry Families:

Austin Pets Alive has been transporting pets out of shelters in the affect areas. Donations and supplies can be sent through this link: Austin Pets Alive Hurricane Harvey Evacuations

The waters will eventually recede, but the good we have all done together will remain.


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