Gratitude is a Chispa!
CHISPA = SPARK in Spanish, and it sounds like the perfect way to describe the igniting power of gratitude! Chispa is literally the flash that sparks electricity or fire, small and bright at first, but essential to get the light and warmth going strong.
Gratitude has the same effect. Like embers of love kindling in your own heart for some kindness done to you, gratitude shared with another makes sparks fly. Ever notice the look on someone’s face when they are sincerely thanked? Kinda glowy…sparkly! Maybe you don’t actually say “thank you,” but the act of sharing the good you have to give – because you are grateful yourself! – radiates into the atmosphere to light your world.
These sparks are tiny bursts of inspiration that kindle fires for others. Here are some chispas from our own team:
Carol led a group in northern Michigan for women who wanted to dip into spiritual practices with intention to face the day refreshed, and connect with the transforming power of gratitude.
Travis worked with elementary school-kids in Flint, Michigan to coach mindfulness as a healthy way to handle negative emotions – a better alternative to getting kicked out of school!
Hollister joined a new social media platform that supports women who are actively working hard to be the change they want to see.
And every week Dieter finishes his worship service with the call to action, “Go show the world what Love looks like!”
This month we’ll share what has been happening with some of our profiled organizations since we last checked in with them. More than updates, we want to provide these awesome groups with a “sparkling opportunity” to share their gratitude with you!
Thanksgiving is a beautifully communal holiday, not big on gift-giving, but ginormously commemorating heart-giving. In your gathering this year, make sure the gratitude table is overflowing and glowing with chispas!