Free to Be Kind: RAK the 4th!
“…ultimately, our greatest joy is when we seek to do good for others.” – Rev. Desmond Tutu, “The Book of Joy”
Here is how Julie Morris did it, then posted on Facebook*:
Every day I drive to and from work and pass this man who is homeless. I can’t help but think about how I get to come home after a long day of work, make myself a nice dinner, and sleep in my comfy bed. I’m not sure where he goes or what he eats, but I am sure that I will pass him every morning and evening.
Today I decided to stop at my local dollar store and pick up a bunch of supplies for this man. I did some googling to figure out what are common things that are asked for and was surprised to learn that socks and antibacterial cream/foot fungal cream are high up on that list. I was able to get all of this for less than $40! @hustleandsoulblog also suggests gift cards to local fast food shops so that they can get meals as needed. Thank you @hustleandsoulblog!
The whole point of this post is to share how easy (and cheap) it is to help others. You can pull all of these together and leave them in a bag in your car so that the next time you pass someone living with homelessness you can easily lend them a helping hand! ? To anyone who wants to SHARE this post go ahead – sharing helps get the word out! #payitforward @endhomelessnessma
(*Facebookers! Post more good bits on Facebook like this and we can all make Facebook a force for GOOD – What a goal!)
The energizing force of Kindness, Compassion and Empathy – it’s the right thing to do. asked Julie what impelled her to spend the extra time and go out of her way on her commute to work? Turns out, it’s in her heart – and when the heart speaks, you listen and do:
When I was in high school I started volunteering with Christmas in the City, an organization in Boston that invites all residents of shelters (about 4000 children are in shelters) to the Expo Center a week before Christmas to celebrate. So I have been doing it almost every year for over 10 years. It’s a time for kindness and compassion. My role is to to make sure that the kids have an awesome day and are able to go home fed, happy, and with one gift from their wish list as well as a backpack with hat, gloves, a book, and a toothbrush and toothpaste. This is one of my favorite days of the year!
So, the homeless community is always in my mind. I have always felt like helping others is the right thing to do. I knew I would be disappointed in myself if I continued to drive past this man and not help.
A Life Lesson, maybe for others too.
Right now, a family member is sick and seeing them deal with the sickness has put things in perspective. I have a much bigger appreciation for what is important in life and what is not. So I posted my story because I felt that it was a good lesson for friends or family who may not have thought about how they can help. If even one other person decides to do the same thing, then I would consider that a success.
That’s not all – It’s a Sister Thing!
My sister Kara has volunteered at Christmas in the City for years too. She noticed a few years ago that while we are all running around with the kids, the parents usually sit at the tables and relax. She decided that another way to help these kids would be to help the parents with job opportunities – so she started a Job Fair! Last year, there were 30 companies participating and 300 registered job seekers, and many received job offers!
Random Acts of Kindness July 4 – Free to be Kind!
Our correspondent Travis Thomas will RAKswarm Bellaire, Michigan on July 4. The whole Thomas family will go out into the community with Random, Radical, Revolutionary Acts of kindness, like kindness notes to neighbors and strangers, gift cards, free water – oh and show up at drive-thru windows to thank the workers for serving the community on a holiday!
Post your Random Act(s) on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook and make sure you use this hashtag: #RAKthe4th19
Think Christmas Now! Support Christmas in the City – Donate, Volunteer, Participate in the Job Fair
Christmas in the City brings holiday magic to thousands of Boston-area kids and their families – kids and families who’ve been experiencing the uncertainty of homelessness and the stress of poverty. Also provides assistance throughout the year to help families successfully transition from homelessness to independent living.
Job Fair At the last job fair in 2018 there were more than 30 companies and employment resources, and over 300 registered job seekers. And a number of those job seekers received job offers as a result. CLICK here to see the companies and sign up to participate.
#RAKthe4th19 – Let’s do this!!!!!!
Love this!!!