For the Love of Water – World Water Day

The United Nations has designated March 22 every year as World Water Day to bring attention to the billions of people living without safe water, and what we all can do to make safe water more available and sustainable. While 70 percent of the planet is covered in water, less than 1 percent is accessible fresh water. There is more we – who have easy access to water – can do! Let’s understand better the issues at hand.

“Turning on the tap” for clean water is a luxury in most countries. Come to think of it, this is sadly true in many areas of the United States! Not only that, in many conflict regions, marginalized groups of women, children, refugees and indigenous peoples face political and social discrimination, deprivation and violence as they try to access the safe water they need to live.

The theme for this year is “Leaving No One Behind.” At a time of immense global challenges, such as poverty, natural disasters and humanitarian crises, it’s important to understand how access to water and sanitation, along with sustainable water management, can be powerful drivers of change and progress.

When people have access to safe water, health and well-being is improved, and they are able to go to school, earn an income and take care of their family. Clean and safe water changes their world.

There is something you can do, right in your own home and workplace

Donate Money – make safe water available and accessible, on land and in the sea: brings safe water and sanitation to the world through access to small, affordable loans.

Surfrider Foundation
Surfrider is a community of everyday people who passionately protect the ocean that provides us with enjoyment and life.

Conserve Water – in your home and workplace:

Eco-Spirituality Practice – a seven-day activity for good-thinking and right-acting:

For the love of water! A week’s course of an hour a day will help you learn more about your personal use of water, reflect on the value it represents ecologically, and rethink your individual relationship to it. From our pals at Inspiration House, Nurturing spiritual vitality for a just and sustainable planet. DOWNLOAD “For the Love of Water” A Seven-Day Eco-Spirituality Practice.


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