Empathy=You Are Not Alone
For more of Brene Brown’s wisdom,
watch this short video where
she explains the difference
between Empathy and Sympathy.
For more of Brene Brown’s wisdom,
watch this short video where
she explains the difference
between Empathy and Sympathy.
“It’s not a destination, it’s a journey.” Seeking truth never ends. One foot in front of the other, constantly moving forward with a willingness to open up to fresh perspectives and ideas, even if it means a radical change of thought. Yes, it is hard work, your OWN work, to think for yourself and not give in to other influencers. But here’s the thing that helps: An individual moral code, a lens or filter that helps you discern what is worth keeping, and what must be discarded.
Imagine thousands on a journey to truth today, rich in diversity but united in seeking truth that serves the common good. This is truth that empowers us to love our neighbors as ourselves.
We will be using our lens to gather stories of truth-seeking and individual discovery, as well as organizations that collectively serve the ongoing journey. There are three main attributes of our focus: Discernment, Reconciliation and Forgiveness. Walk with us this year.
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