Choose RAK Friday, NOT Black Friday to Begin the Holidays!
Imagine hundreds of random people performing thousands of Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) in their communities to welcome the advent of holiday season! Four years ago parents Travis and Hollister Thomas wanted
their kids to think of the day after Thanksgiving as something other than “Black Friday.”
So instead of spending the day thinking about what to “get,” how about focusing on what to “give”? This counter response was the start of RAK Friday!
Watch a short video of Travis giving just a hint of the power of RAK Friday:
Four years on, RAK Friday 17 is a wrap with a record number of recorded Random Acts of Kindness. And, it is reasonable to assume, there were lots more RAKs coast-to-coast that didn’t get recorded – just done for good!
Listen to this special podcast by Travis sharing a recap of all the RAKs reported in a 24-hour period on November 24. You will also hear from 4 other participants across the country who took part in the RAKs – and what the experience meant to them. Kindness, not chaos, throughout the year!