Best Bits for the Week – A Roundup of our Most-Liked News of Good Neighbors
Sure, it’s important to keep up with the news, to be alert to what is going on that could impact you and the lives of your family and friends. But if those are the only stories you see, then you *might* think those distressing events are the only ones going on. But wait! – there is so much good happening everywhere, and probably right around the corner from you. Be looking for it!
Here is just a tiny bit of good in one week:
Free Auto Shop for women who are “short on money and long on car troubles”
This former Texas pastor started a non-profit auto repair service in 2012 that focuses on helping single moms, widows and wives of deployed military personnel. It’s a big deal: a working car means getting a job, feeding a family, going to – and paying for – doctor’s appointments. As one grateful customer said, “Every day, they’re changing people’s lives. They’ve certainly changed mine.”
Students earn PE credit by doing yard work to help others
Students in Iowa have the option to go into the neighborhood to work in the garden for elderly neighbors and those with disabilities. Encouraging kids to help others sounds like a terrific education for life! As one of our commenters posted, “This isn’t just Phys Ed, it is MENTAL Ed!”
In this Summer Camp, kids learn how to sew and launch a business
“It’s important for our kids, especially kids of color, to learn financial literacy …and teach them that you have something to offer the world.” Learning to sew is the easy part – a large portion of the camp includes learning how to run a business. Participants come up with a product and pitch it to professionals in the community at the camp’s very own market day. What a great summer!
What happens when a big truck driver gets to know a little guy with special needs? What happens when each provides the other with something they can’t find anywhere else?
Heart-to-Heart – the Most-liked/Most-Shared Message of the Week