Ask Your Heart: What Issue Hurts the Most? That’s Where You Start.
Activists are using their hands, feet, muscle and creativity because of what their hearts are telling them – something in the community is unjust, unfair, unequal, and they want to help change that. Maybe first, then, they are “spiritual” activists, determined to right a moral imbalance that has caused over time unimaginable pain for communities everywhere.
The Power of Children
A prayer for all the earth. [meditation video, 2 min]
Ripples Build a Current
As thought turns to welcoming a new year, let us give thanks for all the acts of courage and compassion that have helped shape a more loving and just world. May we magnify and multiply them in 2018 dear friends.
Making Equal Rights Truly Equal in Canada
“My focus is on human rights in its purest form: advocacy for people experiencing hardship...”