

Opening Up Our Lives to the Outside

As we slowly and cautiously open our individual lives to reopened communities around us, many of us may feel conflicted. Happy to move more freely out and about – but confused and anxious about how safe it will be out in the open.

“Room-At-The-Table” Is An Action-Verb, Thai-Style!

“Room at the Table” isn’t passive – it isn’t enough to prepare a table and have a ready, empty chair...and wait. No, sometimes it means that you have to give all that you have to give – love, talent, skill, courage, conviction – to go out and bring the people in.

One More Time

Our focus on Courage this month ends with WINGS to help you soar in all the good you do for your neighbor!

The Preparation of Courage for Doing What Matters in 2018

The very model of courage in the history of human progress is Martin Luther King Jr. A grateful nation acknowledges his contribution and sacrifice with a federal holiday honoring his birthday on January 15. Thinking about the arc of his selfless and tireless efforts to serve humanity inspired us to consider, what is courage?

What Does Courage Mean to You?

In a shared podcast with InspiredToGive.org, Travis Thomas of Live Yes, And asks, “What does courage mean to you? What does it look like to you every day and how are you choosing it?"